10 May 2009

How Soon They Forget?

I get perverse enjoyment out of reading OT. They had a short spurt of good, thought provoking, and interesting articles a couple of months back. But, lately, they seem to be back to the old ways of distortions, personal attacks, and misstatements (I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and not call them lies).

The only posts Orbit Trap has ever deleted were several written by Keith Mackay -- and those were removed at his request. If you think we censor reader responses, then test that theory. Send us your thoughts. Assuming your remarks adhere to our comments policy, you'll soon see them on this blog -- just as clearly as you can see Rick Spix's opinions above.
Well, this is not quite accurate. I've had comments deleted. OT changed their policy to moderate comments because they could not handle my questions and refutations of their posts. They refused to publish comments by at least two other responders. I know of one of the two who they have since allowed to comment. I have not bothered to try to comment once I was expelled. That's one of the reasons I started writing here.

Here are captures of comments before they were deleted. My first comment was deleted before I realized I was banned and didn't capture it. I don't remember what it was, but it wasn't liked and so it was deleted. You can go see what is still there if you find the "Beware the Anti-Fractal" post.

Of course, they will say that I "violated" their comment policy. Perhaps I did. But, they never said how I violated their comment policy. To make the claim that I violated their comment policy, but never stating how is rather disingenuous wouldn't you say? If I did, one would think it would be easy to state how and show an example. But, you won't find it.

Like attacking someone's work or character rather than addressing his or her ideas and observations?

This comment was absolutely priceless. OT has done nothing but this when it comes to discussing the BMFAC, the Fractal Universe calender, or "fractalbookers". And yet, OT has the chutzpah to claim others are guilty of doing what they accuse others of? Perhaps they are. But, one thing that has been proven beyond doubt is that this is the OT method of operation and has been for years. Hypocrisy, thy name is OT.

Oh, and the political comments give you an insight into just how the OT mind works. I know OT is dying to tie fractals with political commentary. But, it just doesn't work very well. Certainly, OT has never been able to successfully manage it.


kymarto said...

One wonders just why they can't give all this a rest. Such negativity is hardly constructive on any level.

I guess that all this is just a whipping boy that Terry pulls out to flog whenever he is frustrated about something else in his life.

Luckily this kind of stuff is basically harmless.


Keith said...

Picking a fight with a journal entry that is over a year old would be bizarre for most people, but not for them. It's good for ratings and they know it. That blog is built on meanness and that's what people like to see. That's why the trash on reality TV is so popular. The bigger the fight and the more anger that you see, the more viewers that you get.

I am not just speculating about this. The number of views on my web site has gone up in the last 2 days and I haven't done anything there to cause that. Obviously people are looking for a response from me. They want to see a fight. My initial reaction was to give them one, but what you see here is it.

Ken said...

I ignore most of it. But, this latest one was so target rich, I had to comment. Pointing out hypocrites calling others hypocrites is just too hard for me to ignore.

kymarto said...

Ah! good for ratings...shows how naive I am. I should have realized there was a commercial aspect to it.


Keith said...

Actually, I have to take that back. I figured out why there were more views on my site and it wasn't because of OT

kymarto said...

Still doesn't change the fact that muckraking sells, although I suspect that T&T justify their posts to themselves with noble intentions. Negativity is always so much easier than actually doing something constructive about what you perceive as wrong...
